A social impact business partnering
with smallholder farmers in Tanzania
exporting their commodities

About us
Kilimo Markets (KM), based and registered in Tanzania since July 2010 is a leading agro business providing comprehensive business solutions for small holder farmers in Tanzania. KM prides itself to establish a sustainable farmer-owned business model to benefit small farmers that can be replicable and scaleable over a wide area. We are establishing the best quality service to small scale farmers through a range of assistance to the rural farmers’ in community. By partnering with small farmers we establish a quality input supply, farmer-owned transparent marketing system, a farmer-owned seed agro business, contract management services to small hold farmers, warehouse operation & logistics and high tech zero-till planters to small scale farmers as part of the introduction of Conservation Agriculture for sustained production. We are promoting sustainable development by adopting an entrepreneurship strategy to increase food production and incomes among the rural households in Africa.
Customers and Beneficiaries
The customers are all small farmers that are trained and organised into strong marketing groups that also manage input supply chains especially seed supplies and follow the CA technology as the main way of increasing in resilience in the face of Climate Change. The numbers of beneficiaries to be reached in six years is 70,000 households and these will consist of FMA members and non-members. ’The non-members are those farmers who are ‘’pulled’’ into marketing through the FMAs because of their higher productivity with CA technology and the more attractive prices and marketing system based on weights and measures and the opportunity for post-harvest processing in a warehouses. It is expected from past experience that at least 60% of the beneficiaries will be women because of the way the groups, especially the VSLGs are formed and trained that appeal to women more than men.
Supporting Businesses
1. Kilimo Markets Seed Growers is one of the two supporting businesses operating as a:
- Seed Grower seed business franchise-owner
Supporting Businesses
2. Kilimo Markets Consulting as the other supporting business is specialised in training communities of farmers in:
1. Agriculture Seed Production
2. Commodity Marketing
3. Warehouse Operation
4. Warehouse Receipt System
5. Conservation Agriculture
Core Business
Kilimo Markets Brokerage is the company's core business operating as a:
- Warehouse Operator,
- Market Broker in maize, rice, sesame, pigeon pea, chickpea, mung, dolichos, beans